iCalculator™ MC"Informing, Educating, Saving Money and Time in Monaco"
MC Tax 2020

Monaco VAT Calculator 2020

The Monaco VAT Calculator is designed to allow free online calculations for goods, services and products which are subject to VAT (Value Added Tax) in Monaco in 2020, if you would like to calculate VAT in Monaco for a different tax year then please select the relevant year from the available VAT calculators. The calculator allows quick VAT calculations and more detailed VAT calculations with multiple items, product/service descriptions with a running total so you can see the VAT due on each product/service and the total VAT due in Monaco in 2020. Once you have calculated the VAT due, you can print the document or email the VAT document to yourself for later reference.

Monaco VAT Calculator 2020
What would you like to do?
Quick Monaco VAT Calculation
Product/Service Price
+VAT Due

=Total Price inc. VAT
Monaco VAT Table

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How to calculate VAT in Monaco in 2020

You can calculate VAT in Monaco by multiplying the product or service price by the appropriate VAT rate. We have included the VAT formula for Monaco so that you can calculate the VAT manually or update your systems with the relevent VAT rates in Monaco. The latest VAT rates in Monaco for 2020 are displayed in the table below the VAT formula. For those who prefer to use the Monaco VAT Calculator rather than calculate VAT manually, we have included a step-by-step guide to using the calculator for quick VAT calculations and more detailed VAT calculations which include multiple products and or services (see the guides under "How to use the Monaco VAT Calculator").

VAT Tax Years available for Monaco

We currently support the following tax years for VAT calculation in Monaco, if you require additional tax years, please get in touch and we can add them to the list of available tax years.

Monaco VAT formula

Value Added Tax in Monaco is calculated using the following VAT formula:

VAT = a x (b / 100)


  • a = The product/service that is subject to VAT in Monaco.
  • b = The relevenat rate of VAT in Monaco associated with the product/service.

VAT Rates in Monaco

The table below specifies the relevent VAT rates applicable in Monaco, these were last updated in line with the published VAT rates in 2020.

Monaco VAT Rates
VAT RateVAT Description
0%Zero Rated - Exports and related services
2.1%Reduced Rate - Certain medicines; newspapers
5.5%Reduced Rate - Products and services for the disabled, most food stuffs
10%Reduced Rate - Certain pharma products, transport, hotels, real estate
20%Standard Rate - All other taxable goods and services

How to use the Monaco VAT Calculator

You can view the calculator inline or full screen. The inline view displays the calculator surrounded by the normal menus and links to other tools and supporting information. The full screen view removes or the unnecessary information so you can focus solely on using the Monaco VAT Calculator. The following step-by-step guides to calculating VAT online with the Monaco VAT Calculator covers all the functions within the VAT calculator:

How to complete a Quick VAT Calculation

  1. Select "Quick VAT Calculation".
  2. Enter the Product/Service Price.
  3. Enter the Appropriate VAT Rate.
  4. Press "Calculate VAT".

The Monaco VAT Calculator will provide a table which specifies the product/service price, the product/service VAT amount due and the total cost of the product or service in Monaco. You can print/email this table as required.

How to complete a Detailed VAT Calculation

  1. Select "Detailed VAT Calculation".
  2. [Optional] enter the name of the product or service for which you wish to calculate VAT.
  3. Enter the number of units being sold (3 bags, 5 pallets of goods, 2 new cars, 1 annual tax return etc.).
  4. Enter the price of the product / service detailed in step 3.
  5. Select the relevent VAT rate that applies to your goods, product or service in Monaco
  6. Click "Add to VAT Table"

Monaco VAT Calculator will add your product/service to the Monaco VAT Table. You can then add more product and/or services as required. Each time you add new information, the total amount will be updated so you can see the total costs of goods, products and services in Monaco inclusive and exclusive or VAT.

If you make a mistake or simply want to remove an entry from the Monaco VAT Table, click on the "Del" button adjacent the line entry that you wish to remove. When items are removed from the VAT table, the calculator will automatically update the associated figures and recalculate VAT, total cost of goods etc.

Please note that the Monaco VAT Calculator is designed to allow you to toggle between quick and Detailed calculations without losing any data that you add to the Detailed VAT Table. This is useful if you need to check the individual VAT amount on one unit (a single product or service) before adding it to the list of items in the VAT table.